Swimmer’s Shoulder

With the ocean swimming season kicking into gear once again, there are some important considerations that both the experienced and less experienced swimmers need to keep in mind. With the increased time spent in the water, often combining both pool and ocean swimming, there is an increased demand placed on the shoulder. As an example, […]

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City 2 Surf

With City 2 Surf just around the corner, thought I would give you a few tips and tricks if you’ve begun to struggle with shin splints. Don’t fret, you’ve got just enough time to nip them into shape before the 13th of August! Shin Splints, what are they? Shin splints or, Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, […]

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Illotibial Band

Many runners present to our clinic complaining of tightness down the outside of their leg or pain over the outside of their knee. The common diagnosis is ITB friction syndrome, but what does this mean and how do you we treat it? Firstly it is important to identify what the Illiotibial band (ITB) is and […]

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Swimmer’s Backpain

The low back (lumbar spine) along with the shoulder and knee are the most common structures to be injured by competitive swimmers during training and competition. High performance swimmers often sustain back injuries due to the repetitive movements of hyperextension (arching the back), flexion (bending forwards) and rotation. All swimming strokes maintain some degree of hyperextension of the lower back […]

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